How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals

How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals |

Since it’s still the beginning of the year, I figure why not!? Plus I’ve been so motivated and inspired lately that I just really wanted to talk and share ♥ So as you can already see from the title, we’re gonna be talking about How to stay motivated and focus on achieving those goals for the new year. Now, I’m no expert on this but I find these tips to work pretty dang good!

Above are actually my notebook and planner, which brings up to my #1 Tip: WRITE IT DOWN!
I feel like this is a no brainer for everyone does this step ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s the feeling of having it written down and finalized that makes it permanent and pretty exciting! It also helps keep it in mind. So get a planner or even just a notebook, to jot down anything and everything.

Now, what you “write down” has got to mean something. Sometimes goals (or dreams) can just be so ridiculous. You want to be – Tip #2: BE REALISTIC AND SPECIFIC.
Meaning, don’t just write down “I want to be healthier,” instead write “Work out 2 times a week” “Loose 10lbs” “Do not eat ____.” Be realistic, set goals that YOU KNOW you WILL be able to do; And that’s when my next tip comes in Tip #3PLAN IT! Just like with everything else, you need a plan/strategy to make things happen. Without a plan, it would be difficult to succeed in anything.

Maybe this next tip will help you out more ๐Ÿ˜‰ Tip #4BREAK IT DOWN & SET DATES. What I mean by that is, take baby steps/set smaller goals that leads to your MAIN/BIG Goal. Ie: Main goal is to loose 10 lbs by summer time – so every month leading to summer, have a goal to loose 2 lbs. 2 lbs sounds better than 10 lbs right? hehe This way too you are less intimidated. Tip #5CATEGORIZE Another thing you can do is maybe break it down into categories like, Me, Family, Work, Social etc. That way you kind of prioritize as well.

My last tip, Tip #6KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS. Seriously guys, nothing, and I do mean nothing, feels better than being able to achieve something and cross it off. Keep track of your progress by checking in every month. Always looking at my goals list motivates me and if I don’t achieve whatever it is by the time I want to, it PUSHES me to do better.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself no matter what and do it for YOU.
Nobody is perfect. You may not achieve it now, but if you keep trying, you will.
So keep pushing, keep trying, never give up. You can do it ♥

In My Planner

How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals |

In my planner, I create this divider where I placed my goals insert on the back of it.

How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals |

On the “2016 Goals” insert, I just wrote down my goals. ie: Be Positive, Create More, Travel More
This is in the front of my planner so I can easily see it everyday and remind myself.

How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals |

Now this is another divider that I have near the back of my planner – right before my Budgeting section.

How To Stay Motivated & Focus on Achieving your Goals |

Behind that divider I have the insert that says “Goals.”
On it I wrote down my goals that were in the front, in DETAILS.

Download the Inserts

Simply PRINT and CUT | I stuck mine behind a divider in my planner ๐Ÿ™‚

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