Pen & Ink Testing

Hello loves! I hope you’re all doing well. I am so excited to be blogging again. Today, I’m sharing details about my latest video, where I share my new fountain pen and do some ink testing on different paper/notebooks (mainly comparing my hobonichis from last year to this year’s). Alright, let’s get started!

Sailor x Pen Point Pro Gear Cosmos

Little backstory: Since acquiring my Sailor x Hachimonjiya Pro Gear Kubozakura last year, I have been longing for another Pro Gear. I’ve realized that I prefer the Pro Gear size, over the Pro Gear Slim size. I stumbled upon this pen earlier last year but had passed on it, since I had just gotten my dream Pilot Decimo, which I feel like cost me an arm and a leg. So I couldn’t possibly purchase another pen straight away.

Fast forward a few months, one of my planner besties, Marylyn, shared her new acquisition, which was this same pen! It’s so so pretty and I kept thinking about it… I gave it a week… and I was still thinking about it. So I inquired with GoodPenLife if the pen posted was still available. Luckily, it was. They actually had two in stock at the moment… One was a Medium Fine nib and the other, a (Hard) Fine nib, exactly what I wanted! And to top it off, it has a special engraving –a rare piece. It felt like it was meant to be and I just couldn’t pass it up this time around.

It arrived on Saturday, February 8th and I just had to ink it up straight away. Instantly, IN LOVE. The ink that I chose is Sailor Manyo Azuki (10% OFF with code CHARMAINE when you shop at Atlas Stationers). What a perfect match.

The nib was surprisingly smooth. (I honestly, usually have some issues with my Sailors. Nothing serious, but they usually feel almost too scratchy at first that I tend to take my micro mesh to them… just a tad bit haha).

The color of this pen is actually hard to capture. It’s a pink with more of a purple undertone. The body is a bit translucent and there’s no shimmer whatsoever. The finials are clear, which makes it dreamy and can we have a moment for that PINK Sailor logo!? How cute is that!

The nib has a beautiful engraving of a fountain pen nib with sakura petals. I don’t know much about it, but I was told that it’s a rare nib.

Ink testing time

Above is the Hobonichi 2025 A5 Day-free.
There’s feathering here and there.

Above is the Hobonichi 2025 A6 Techo.
No feathering, thank goodness!

Above is the Hobonichi 2024 A5 Day-free.
No feathering whatsoever.

Above is the Hobonichi 2025 Weeks.
No feathering.

Thoughts on the paper issue: Even though my A5 Day-free for this year is inconsistent with the random feathering… I will continue to use it because I don’t want to waste it. Eventually, I will do an ink archive in a book. I’m thankful that my A6, where I memory keep and use my fountain pens in daily, has no issues. I was really worried about that one. Hoping that next year Hobonichi will address the “said issues.” I really don’t want to change any of my systems as they’ve been working for me for years.

Anyways, I think that’s wraps up this blog post. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or if you have any suggestions. Share how you archive your inks. What do you think about the fountain pen? I wanna hear from you. Thanks for being here! I’ll see you in my next post.

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  1. I’m happy to see your collection evolving through the years of following you! And gladly to say that you’re the one that convinced me to start my fountain pen rabbit hole collection last 2022 🥰

    1. Awww, it’s definitely been a journey, thank you for being here. And I love that!! Isn’t it so much fun!? haha

  2. Love your collection of pens, and adding to mine this year. My only Sailor is the one I purchased from you (dragon palace). Going to add more to my collection. Love my capless just a little more. Your son is the cutest and has grown so much.

    Happy 2025

    1. Aww! That makes me so happy that you’re enjoying it and that it has found a lovely home. Oh, I know what you mean, capless are so nice! hehe Thank you so much love!

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