Plush Collection

It’s official ♥ In five days we are launching our very own Agenda Covers.
If you’ve been following me since the very beginning, then you’d know that this has been a dream of mine. I’ve been working on this since March of last year;
and I’m so proud and happy to introduce to you our Plush Collection.

The Large fits any A5 (8.27in x 5.83in) notebook or planner.

A little backstory…
In the very beginning, I wanted to create a ring planner, but then after doing some research, there’s a lot of that in the market, gorgeous ones too! So I scratched the idea… though it’s always been in the back of my mind. Then I wanted to put together a curated box full of products that I love, but that wouldn’t really be “my own products,” if that makes sense. So then I brainstormed some more, a pouch came to mind. Something you can use for anything, planner goodies, makeup etc. The pouch I had in mind was velvet and quilted. Then I thought, “an agenda cover.” I thought this was perfect because anybody can use it. With an Agenda Cover, you’re not limited to one certain type of planner/notebook. You can use it for anything. As a journal, planner, wallet, a catch all, you name it!
My overall goal for my product is that 1, I wanted for whoever buys it, to feel like they have bought something luxurious. (In my mind, that’s velvet. Velvet is so soft and gives off that bit of a sheen on certain angles, it’s just so pretty.) 2, for it to be affordable and lastly, multi-functional. I believe I achieved all of that with this collection. ♥
Special thanks to…
–My husband, this whole thing wouldn’t have been possible without his full support. I honestly don’t know what I did to deserve someone like him. He believes in me more than I do myself. Thank you love.
–Christy of the Planner Society. I’m not even going to down play this. I reached out to Christy a year or two ago because I am totally clueless. I had no idea where to even look/begin and she gave me all the resources on how to create products. It was such a huge help. Thank you so much Christy!
–My friends, who honestly probably had no idea what I was talking about half the time, but thank you for listening and encouraging me to keep going.
–YOU, you inspired me. Everyday. I know I’ve said this many times but I wouldn’t be here, doing what I love to do (as my job) without you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. ♥

I hope this is a first of many products you’ll be creating! Congratulations Charmaine!
Congrats Charmaine! I am so happy to hear about your launch of a great product 😀 Love how your kept going and push through making your dreams come true! I hope to order your products soon 🙂 They are so beautiful! God bless you and your family <3