Pantry Organization

Hello loves ♥ Happy Friday and I hope you’re all doing well. I’m so excited to find myself blogging more often lately. I just have so many ideas that I want to share. In today’s post, I’m going to be sharing with you our Pantry. I try to re-organize and find better ways to store our goods at least once or twice a year. Last year, I did this towards the beginning of summer. This year, I wanted to do it sooner, because I can already see that things are starting to pile up and I didn’t want to wait any longer.
Below is the Pantry Organization video that I did last year. In the video I show you how I organized, declutter and updated the look of the baskets. I also have a “Pantry Highlights” on Instagram that you can view. There you can see how our pantry has changed over the years.
Our pantry isn’t big so I really try to utilize every inch of it. I love using bins/baskets ♥ It can hold a lot plus, if you have deep shelves like we do, it can help “hide” things (if you’re storing items in the back/behind it). It just looks a lot cleaner that way.
I recommend the size of these baskets, we have larger baskets in our pantry before and it became obnoxious having to have to pull it in and out. Plus it can become a black hole real quick. This year, I finally decided to get rid of our larger baskets and utilize that space better. I purchased canisters (linked below) to store our cereals. I also got smaller baskets to store other things, placed behind the canisters -again, I really try to utilize every inch of our pantry.

I personally really love how our pantry turned out this time around. I love how almost everything is visible and how things are easily accessible. And can we take a moment and appreciate the labels? After so many years, I finally put labels on the baskets. (haha) I also labeled all the canisters. ♥ (The metal labels were from Menards, years ago. The clear label stickers, I created myself. I’ll go ahead and link a few below for you guys because a lot are available on amazon.) Below are the organizers that I am currently using in our pantry.

The only thing left to do for our pantry is rewire the cord for the microwave. Hoping that my husband Tom does this soon. This green cord is just so ugly lol. Anyways, that’s pretty much it. I hope you all enjoy seeing the progress I’ve made in our pantry. Don’t forget to watch the videos if you haven’t and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel ♥ It’ll truly mean so much! And that wraps up this post. Thank you so much for stopping by. See you in my next post.