Our Wedding Day – Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Ceremony was held at Saint Joseph Catholic Church.

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Ceremony Programs were from Wedding Paper Divas.

[view the proof for more details – I did made some changes in the inside of the program so this is not exactly what it looks like.]

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Got my veil on and getting nervous waiting to walk down the isle.

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our little niece and nephews ♥ Flower Girl’s dress is from Nordstrom (color blush pink). As for the boys, I had their bow ties and suspenders custom made by The Boytique on Etsy to match.

Our Wedding - Ceremony

And here we go… walking down the isle with mama and papabear ♥
That veil though… as much as I loved it, it was so heavy and I seriously wanted to rip it off the whole time lol

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony


Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

As a Filipino, I wanted to incorporate some of the old traditions 🙂
We did the coins and cord during the ceremony. That’s my sissy and Tom’s brother.

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Officially Mr. & Mrs. Dulak

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Happiest Moment ♥

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

Our Wedding - Ceremony

After the Ceremony, we headed off to Tiscornia Beach to take some photos ♥

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Bridesmaid dress from Bill Levkoff

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Loved our bouquets ♥ All flowers from Crystal Springs Florist

Our Wedding - Morning Of

Our Wedding - Morning Of

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

My favorite photo with our bridal party.

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

“Once in a while, in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives us a Fairytale”

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

After the photo session, we were so hungry and still had some time to kill before the reception 🙂
So we hung out for a bit at the Buck (local bar).

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

hehe more vlogging

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Making it FaceBook official!

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our very first #selfie as Mr. & Mrs. Dulak

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony


Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

Our Wedding - After the Ceremony

lol, I had to include this >.< Love these girls haha.
And that ends this post! Stay tuned for the last Wedding post coming soon! I’m so excited to share with you the Reception, especially all the decor/details ♥ Love you guys and ’til next time!

photos by Della Terra Photo

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