Newborn Must Haves

Hello loves ♥ Today, I will be sharing with you our newborn favorites. All the items are tried and true, we loved since day one and a lot, we still use; and our son is now 11 months old. Hope this list will be helpful to you mamas (and dadas) out there.

For more Baby Favorites, visit my Amazon Page

1: The Ollie Swaddle & Halo Sleepsack
The number one thing to keep in mind, #BackIsBest. The Ollie Swaddle we have used since day one. Our son Liam was really small and it was just perfect. About after a month, we started using the Halo Sleepsack. Both worked great for us and kept him from rolling over in his sleep. We swaddled Liam for about two months.

2: WubbaNub & Philips Avent Soothie
Liam loves both and we actually still use them 🙂

3: DockATot Deluxe+
Oh my gosh, our little guy LOVESSSS this. He slept in it from day 1 until he could no longer fit, which is 4 months. The DockATot kept him really snuggled in and he would fall asleep in it within minutes.

4: HALO Bassinest
This is such a lifesaver. It helped eased my mind about safe sleep. And allowed me to have Liam close to me, literally just an arms reach away, while we sleep. It also makes those late night feedings super easy (I don’t even have to get out of bed!). Check out my post here for more info.

5: Summer Infant Contoured Changing Pad
We love this changing pad. We’ve been using it since day 1. It’s still well padded, like new and it’s so easy to clean, specially when accidents happens.

6: Munchkin Warm Glow Wipe Warmer
Okay, this might be a little too much for others but we love this. We have tried using wipes that aren’t warm and Liam is not a fan (when he was a newborn). He would scream and cry. But with a warm wipe, he’s fine and didn’t mind late night diaper changes.

7: Hatch Baby Rest Sound Machine, Night Light and Time-to-Rise
This guy is another lifesaver. Whenever Liam was having a hard time falling asleep, turn this on and he will knock out in minutes. Not only does it have soothing sounds, it also makes a great night light.

8: Ultra Soft Baby Bath Washcloths
Y’all, I’ve purchased a LOTTTT and honestly, this is the softest! I’ve washed our a ton of times and they still look new. I will definitely repurchase.

9: Ubbi Steel Odor Locking Diaper Pail
You guys, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS! Diapers are stinky. This right here, is THE BEST! One, it keeps the odor in 100%! And two, you can use ANY garbage bags in it. Definitely the best thing everrrrrr.

10: Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System (Stroller & Car Seat)
We love this stroller. I’m not the strongest so this stroller/car seat is perfect because it’s so lightweight. Easy to fold and unfold. It’s pretty compact as well. I always get compliments whenever we use this stroller.

11: 4moms mamaRoo
Liam enjoyed this and so did I (hehe). Whenever I need to do something, I would put him in this -he would either fall asleep right away or just keep him occupied for a good 30 minutes. His favorite is the Kangaroo motion.

12: Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock
Alright, another item that might be a bit much to others but y’all, this is the best. I never went to the stores without it. It holds car seats and of course your baby. It’s amazing. Saves so much room in your shopping cart. You need this hehe.

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