Thank you & Goodbye 2019

I know it’s kind of cliche to do a little summary of the year but I think it’s great to just reflect back on all the things that happened. Sometimes, during the big moments, you forget about how important the little things are too. So I do want to take this time to look back and really see it all. There’s honestly so many things to be thankful for. Even the things that angered me, that broke/dampened my heart, I’m honestly thankful for it. I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be who I am today without all of it.

You know how sometimes one year is just full of happiness, then another is sadness? This one is right in between. Right after the holidays, we went right back into our life routine. I also started planning out Liam’s baptismal. Which by the way turned out amazing. On February 17, 2019, our Liam was welcomed into the Christian world. I remember him doing so amazing the whole day despite only having a few minutes of nap time. I can’t believe he was only 6 months old then.
But right after the good came the bad. That following week my husband got sick with what we thought was a stomach flu. Turned out, it was appendicitis and he immediately had to get surgery. Thankfully god is watching over him and everything went well and he recovered quickly. -Mind you, I’m a strong person, when it comes to these kinds of things, I know how to keep it together. But in this particular time, there were moments that I thought I could loose my husband and I didn’t know how to cope.
But again, thankfully god is watching and we got through it all.

The following month, my dad got sick. Luckily, all is well, though whenever someone has to be brought to the hospital, you always get the sick feeling in your stomach. Again, thank you god for watching over us.

Liam’s first Easter ♥ I had so much fun putting a basket together for him and we also had the grandparents over that day, so it was a lot of fun for him. I can’t wait ’til next year where he can actually go egg hunting! Eeeek

On May (mother’s day weekend), we went on our very first family vacation! We decided to go to Florida for a few days and boy did we have a relaxing & fun time!? We stayed at a beach resort so we had beach time everyday, which Liam loved so much. We were also close to the downtown area so best believe we had a lot of good food the entire time. You can see our trip here and also the vlog below.

Then came summer ♥ We traveled a few times to Illinois, we visited my sister and also went sight-seeing in downtown Chicago, which I’m hoping on doing again next summer. I honestly just love it there. I’m a city girl so walking around in all the hustle and bustle kinda gets me all giddy inside. Summer is my favorite, because of all the activities ♥ We always try to do and see a lot of things, especially now that Liam more active and it was so much fun!

Around this time I actually finally got my groove back into YouTube. I feel like sometimes, I’m just not as inspired. But thankfully it all started coming back to me. I figured out a schedule that works for me, for us, and I started enjoying what I do again.

Liam also turned ONE last summer so that was a huge milestone. We threw a birthday party for our little guy with our family & friends and it was just a blast!

Around September, I tried to really keep up with my YouTube schedule 🙂 I also finally took the plunge and went through with creating my very own Agenda Covers, which will be launching in a FEW WEEKS! -I’ll talk more about these Agenda Covers in a later post. Let’s just say that a lot went into it and it’s really made out of pure love ♥

In October we went to the Philippines. Oh my goodness ya’ll, I still can’t believe it. I can’t believe that our 14 month old traveled to the Philippines and have met all his cousins ♥ It just really makes my heart so happy. The trip went amazingly, despite some draw backs with Tom getting sick, but overall it was a good trip. I have yet to put together our vlog for the trip (so I’ll update this later with the video), for now, here’s the highlights I have posted on Instagram.

The last few months were pretty chill ♥ Trying to get back into the swing of things after a big trip is always a challenge for me. -_- Especially when it consist of trying to get rid of jetlag for yourself and your toddler. HAHA! Man, it took a while but we did it!

To end the year, we did VLOGMAS! Honestly debated doing it this year because I just didn’t know if I could keep up with it. But look ma, we made it 😉 I’m so happy with how Vlogmas went this year. Pre-filming a few days ahead in the beginning really helped me out a lot with keeping up with it. If you haven’t seen our Vlogmas 2019, here’s the playlist.

I can’t believe I’m about to write this… but that’s the end. This year went by fast and has thought me a lot. One, is that I don’t need to please everyone, even relatives. Just because they’re family doesn’t mean, “I have to.” If they stress me out, even the slightest bit, NO. I learned that distancing myself and only seeing certain people once in a while is better for our relationship. My number two is actually, saying NO. I always say YES because I always want to help, but sometimes I take on too much. Lastly, breathe. I’ve experience anxiety before but more so this year, and I’ve learned the signs and how to stop it.
I found the quote below on facebook and I love it so much that I want to leave this post with that. Thank you so much for being here, for all the love and support that you’ve shown me. I know I’ve said it before but I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you so much and Happy New Years!

Time is so valuable. Next year,
I’m going to make the most of it.
Here’s to 2020 being filled with:
Less stress and more faith.
Genuine friendships and less forced interactions.
More laughter and less tears. Zero drama.
Hard work, success, and time to do the things that matter most.
CHEERS if you’re ready, too.

-Unknown Author

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